September 28, 2011

Why Ayurvedic Treatment is Best for Arthritis

Arthritis is a particular form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. Besides allopathic and homeopathy treatment methods, Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis is getting popularity nationwide.

There are many different forms of arthritis. But the most common form, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection.  

According to Ayurveda, arthritis is defined as the Vata dosha (air issue) that cause the joint pains due to the excessive collection toxic or Amla in the body. This Amla is collected in the body due to the improper diet and other reasons. When the accumulation starts of Vata in joints, it starts causing pain in the joints and termed as the arthritis.

Arthritis treatment in Ayurveda perspectives focuses on the digestion of the amla and reduces the amount of vata (air) in body.  Ayurveda offered us the treatment for arthritis as follows.

  1. Simultaneously ayurvedic herbs also reduce the pain of the arthritis.
  2. The first affective ayurvedic treatment for arthritis is fasting once or twice a day. It is very helpful in the digestion of body amla (toxin).
  3. Massage on the affected joints with Antivatatailas such as Kethakeemooladi, Dhanwantharam, Karpasasathyadi oil reduces the vata volume and pain at a same time. It is really very effective ayurvedic treatment for sever back pain or other joint pains.
  4. Intake bitter, hot and astringent food items
  5. Avoid exposing your body in drizzle, cold and wind
  6. Try to keep tour body warm by covering it.

Most important Ayurveda remedy for the arthritis is following the proper and nutritive diet. It is highly recommended for the people who suffer from arthritis that they need to avoid eating those foods that cause gas, acidity or constipation in body. It means avoid eating spicy foods, sweets and fried foods.  Tea, coffee, yogurt is ok but take it in moderation.

If we look thoroughly Ayurvedic medicines, it is easily found the main concept is back to nature and it is about balancing your organ functions. But this is not enough and you need more alternative treatment, you may find herbal remedy for arthritis is interesting.

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