October 26, 2011

Headache Problem and Pleasant Herbal Therapy

Everybody has experienced headaches.  As one of the most common ailments, it is estimated that over $500,000,000 is spent annually on headache medicine. Over-The-Counter drugs can easily take care of it.  But if we often get headaches, it may be better idea to find some herbal remedies that can help us without taking much chemical based medicines. 

Headache may be classified in to primary headaches, secondary headaches and cranial neuralgia, facial ache and other types. Primary headaches are not associated with any disease. They spring on their own. Examples of primary headaches are migraine, tension headaches and cluster headache. Secondary headache is caused due to some major disease or ailment such as brain tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, and hemorrhage in brain, strokes, caffeine withdrawal and discontinuation of analgesics.
The third type, cranial neuralgia or facial pain, is caused due to the inflammation of nerves in the head and upper neck. It is estimated that 90% of all headaches are tension headaches.

There are headache remedies from many traditional wisdom school of medicine including Ayurveda, Chinese Medicines, and Aromatherapy.  All of them help you relief the pain by using natural ingredients.  In many ways, we call them alternative treatments for mild headache.  But if you have severe headache or migraine, these natural herbal therapies should be used as additional options besides conventional medicines.   In short, integrative medicines seem to be better idea for severe headache and migraine.

Ayurveda suggests a couple common remedies for headaches.  Soak a cloth in warm mustard oil and apply directly to your forehead to relieve the pain. Or you may try putting coriander seeds in boiling water and inhale the steam created by this mixture. This is often used to relieve sinus related headaches.

Traditional Chinese medicine offers ginger for headaches. You can eat a small piece of fresh ginger or make a ginger tea. This can prevent platelet aggregation and lessens the frequency of migraine attacks.

Try an aromatic remedy, if you want to make it more pleasant. There are several headache cures from the Aromatherapy school of medicine. For tension headaches, lavender will make you calm down and relax.  You can message lavender oil directly into your temples or place a drop or two at the base of your nose. You may also want to try inhaling peppermint oil steam or take a bath with relaxing scents like chamomile. The idea is to soothe away your pain with pleasant smells.

There are many more herbal remedies for headaches. Apply a paste of sandalwood on forehead can cure headache or essential oils such wintergreen to the temples or neck all can provide relief. 

Another recommended herbal remedy for tension headaches is Ginkgo Biloba.  Ginkgo Biloba has great benefits when it comes to blood distribution. It improves the flow of blood to the brain. You can take capsule supplements or drink Ginkgo Biloba tea. This is also a good remedy for memory and concentration problems.

Above herbal remedies s are just samples of natural treatment for headaches you can try. Personally, these are so much pleasant than taking pills.

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