It is time to learn more about integrative medicine. What is integrative medicine and what it may come?
Clinicians and researchers are increasing using the term integrative medicine to refer to the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with conventional bio-medicine. However, combination medicine (CAM added to conventional) is not integrative. Integrative medicine represents a higher-order system of care that emphasizes wellness and healing of the entire person (bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions) as primary goals, drawing on both conventional and CAM approaches in the context of a supportive and effective physician-patient relationship. In this view, health is an emergent property of the person as a complex living system. Thus, unlike bio-medical research that typically examines parts of health care and parts of the individual, one at a time, but not the complete system, integrative outcomes research advocates the study of the whole. The whole system includes the patient-provider relationship, multiple conventional and CAM treatments, and the philosophical context of care as the intervention.