August 22, 2011

New Understanding on Acne Rosacea

Acne rosacea is often difficult to treat because it's viewed mainly as a skin problem to be treated symptomatically.  But there is an alternative perspective of the disease according to traditional Chinese medicine theory. 

Far from a skin problem, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) tried to explained acne rosacea or rosacea at the root level in different perception from the Western medical treatment.  They describe rosacea as a condition related to Lung and Liver function disorder. The important balance between these two organ systems has been disrupted and not functioning together in harmony.

The real cause of rosacea generally was addressed in the picture of lung function disorder caused by liver function disorder.  In view of traditional Chinese medicine, all skin problems are related to the lung as well as its partner organ the Large Intestine.  Then, good results come from treating the root of the cause of this condition.

In TCM theory, the liver has a close energy relationship with the stomach—in other word, it controls the stomach.  When Qi or stomach energy is excessive, the liver will bring it back into balance.  A red nose is a clear symptom that there is excess stomach Qi and it has become dull, in turn causing rising heat in the body. This heat is particularly reflected on the face and the nose. The red and blotchy skin of acne rosacea is a signal of deeper imbalances that must be addressed for true healing to occur.

People who suffer from this type of acne rosacea will often get bad breath, constipation and heartburn. If this happens in women, the common symptoms are menstrual cycle disorder anger, or some kind of emotional disorder has impacted the way the liver works and now block liver energy from flowing freely.

Over centuries, the East people have addressed acne rosacea with the following natural treatment approaches in order to help the body unlock its own healing ability – vegetarian diet, herbs, and acupuncture.

To help achieve the best result, proper vegetarian diet during treatment is suggested. Specific foods for healing like bean sprouts and celery also help address the root cause of rosacea. Eat less make eat and take fish instead if vegetables are not possible. (For your own sake, please try) Another natural treatment comes from herbs - two classical herbal formulas, Lung Dang Xie Gan Wan and Huang Lien San Qing Pian.  They are time-tested formulas used for this condition. Different herbal practitioners, however, may select different formulas—sometimes classical formulas, or sometimes a unique formula for your specific situation.   The last remedy is acupuncture.  It helps rebalance the affected organs and helps them to function in tune with each other.

I would like to encourage you all to explore new ways of acne care.   We should know our body’s functions, not only the outer skin level but deep down to make sure that we will have the right treatments.

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